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Bulletproof your startup pitch.


€ 990 - 2950

Evidence-Based Performance Coach for Founders

Learn what investors want and how to reach them. Craft a story that lands and pitch it like a master. Raise the funding your startup deserves.

Weekly one-on-one coaching sessions (1 hour)

Investment readiness plan for your startup

Investor pipeline and data room structure

Pitch training, practice, and investor feedback

All the pieces you need to raise investment

Enroll Now

Get your startup investment ready.

Learn what investors want and what may be holding your business back from raising capital.

Build your investor pipeline.

Find the ideal investors for your startup and create systems to reach them effectively.

Create your data room

Impress prospective investors by getting them exactly the information they want, the way they want it.

Pitch like a pro.

Craft an impactful equity story that lands with investors and learn to pitch it like a master storyteller.


Investment Readiness Assessment

Achieve a tailored action plan to ensure your startup is fully prepared to attract and engage investors.

  • Coaching #1: elevator pitch; gap analysis
  • Outcomes: Investment readiness action plan: expert analysis and briefing about the condition of your company and pitch


Craft Your Equity Story

Master the art of crafting and delivering a captivating equity story that resonates with investors.

  • Reading: The Art of the Equity Story
  • Coaching: Equity storytelling and narrative elements
  • Deliverables: coaching notes + narrative anchor/arc recommendations


Build Fundraising Infrastructure

Develop a robust fundraising infrastructure with an optimized investor pipeline and a clear profile of your ideal investors.

  • Reading: Optimizing an Investor Pipeline
  • Coaching: ideal investor profile (IIP) and funnel development
  • Deliverables: coaching notes + IIP/funnel recommendations


Evidence-Based Tactics for Pitch Mastery

Use evidence-based tactics to gain confidence and expertise in persuasive pitching.

  • Reading: The Science of the Startup Pitch
  • Coaching: draft pitch review; investment readiness review
  • Deliverables: coaching notes + recommendations for investment readiness, investor pipeline, and pitch


Tailoring Your Pitch

Create adaptable pitch content that meets the specific priorities and questions of different investors.

  • Reading: Exploring the Investor’s Mind
  • Coaching: draft pitch review; creating customizable content
  • Deliverables: coaching notes + recommendations for templating, IIP versioning, customizable narrative elements


Investment Committee Review

Refine your final pitch and investment strategy for feedback from a jury of real investors.

  • Reading: Mastering Non-Verbal Communication
  • Coaching: final pitch; investment committee Q&A/feedback
  • Deliverables: coaching notes + investment committee feedback + final recommendations to investment readiness and pitch + recording of final pitch
Gerrit Coaching


Enroll in my 6-Week Investment Readiness Coaching Program today and take the first step towards securing the funding your startup needs to grow. Note: prices vary based on the maturity of the venture.

If you’re unsure or want to learn more first, schedule a free consultation here.

Pre Seed < €500k raised


Per MonthEnroll Now

Series Seed < €5m raised


Per MonthEnroll Now

Series A < €10m raised


Per MonthEnroll Now

Who is this coaching for?

This investment readiness coaching program is designed specifically for startup founders (Pre-Seed to Series A) who intend to raise capital in the next 3-6 months.

What is the time commitment?

Expect to commit 1-2 hours per week to coaching and reading.

Will I get introductions to investors?

I often introduce founders to my network of VCs and business angels, but only when the alignment is right and the venture is investment ready.

What if I have to reschedule a session?

Coaching sessions can be rescheduled with 24 hours notice. You can do this 3 times before forfeiting a session.

Can I do the program faster?

In special circumstances, I offer the program in a bespoke condensed format for an additional fee. Contact me directly to discuss.

What if we don't vibe?

Get to know me first with a free, 15-minute consultation to discuss your needs. Book your call here.

Why three different prices?

Simply put, the more mature the company, the more work is required of me. Assessing the investment readiness of a Series A company is much more time-consuming than a Pre-Seed startup.